owh! ni kali kedua i tules entry ni kot.. first time tules dh hilang tiba tiba.. sumpah sedih n rsa mcm bad mood gile kot.. dh karang hmpir 2 hari tiba2 hilang..adoi...mls nk taip benda yg sma lagi tp sb nk share gak, aja gagah kan diri tuk tules sekali lg.. chaiyook!! ha, entry pasal ape??cerita hujung minggu di kota bharu kelantan :)
oke, lets strt with my first visit here, during gaps on final exam last semester, I've been away for a few hour to kelantan just because to see mer n be back like a trauma ones kot..owh, for god sake, mmg sumpah i serik time tu..biar pon lepas jumpa mer (wek)..what happened act? mmg ptt nak rsa pelik/serik pon sb bila smpai2 kb mall je (sorg2 ye) tgk tgk hampir semua kedai ttp..termasuk lah kfc, mcd, secret n all..can u imagine guys mne i nk lepak?? siyus rsa mcm stranger gile.. owh kenapa sorg?? because he's performing solat jumaat time tu.. jd kene tggu kejap ye.. jd i pon merayau2 kat dlm tu sorg2 mcm tourist la konon2.. mmg takot oke..(n aja mmg berani terlebih sikit bab2 mcm ni.. wat rilek je..tp dlm ati rsa nk nangis kot..wawawa) so, at 3 xsilap I've been meeting him n we're just go around a bit at kb mall (xkn nk jln lbh2 kot, i dh pusing2 sorg2 kat dlm tu td..nothing much pon..but at least they(kelantanese) got something better to shop rather than tgnu..ade kedai bonia, reject shop n giordano n all) n finally, we're end up our journey at pantai cahaya bulan..owh, sian tempat ni..hakisan yg melampau oke..mmg sedih tgk..dtg nk jln2 kat pantai lah konon tp tgk2 xde dh pantai tu.. kene tmbak dh..kami minum air kelapa segelas sorg n chow.. time tu dh nk strt serabut dh..tlg lah, penat travel pg2 dr tgnu n 3 jam dok dlm bas pastu jln2 sorg2 kat kb mall mcm hape..mmg pening dh.. last last kitorg pusing bandar kb je..that's much better than going out n menerewang xtau nk buat ape..den g mkn pizza n at 8 nk blk..leh x dh smpai station bas tu n msa nk turun kete kasut i patah??boleh x?? dlm ati mmg sedih gile n mmg sgt kelam kabut time tu.. jd kitorg g kedai kasut terdekat (BATA) n buy anything can be wear at least smpai tgnu..den msk kete ngn selipar baru rm 20(hehe) n tergerak ati nk tgk tiket..eh eh??xde??aja time tu mmg nk nangis dh..suh mer jgn gerak lagi dr kedai bata tu n turun cari kat area tu n jumpa kat tepi kete..boleh x dia nk tercixir time2 mcm tu??adoii..mmg semua nye silap i..gelabah mcm hape..so, mcm ne i xkata i serik nk dtg lg..mmg my first impression about kelantan was bad..but i know this is all my faults n after all i've been visit again last week to make sure ape yg i rsa salah..mula2 mmg takot gk nk pg sekali lg, tp just being chill, ttp mata n pegi.. jd mlm khamis kirim kat asrol tiket plg awl ke kb esok nye n i've been away for 2 days :)
so how was the weekend?? meh, nk cite..so, pg jumaat tu i pon bgn siap2 nk pg lah ni..at 6 dh bgn ye(sumpah awl gile! nk g kelas pon xawal mcm ni kot rsa nye..hee) packing all my stuff, baju baju, toiletries, all the make up(foundation, bedak, eye liner n all) n my lappy too, etc..after siap2 packing, g mandi mandi n terus headed to station bus..msa smpai tgk bas dh ade n naik (owh,anas ade sekali) dan tido smpai lah ke kb..mmg xsedar dh smpai kb..tau tau dh ade kat depan balai islam n trus text mer..den xlama pastu i dh smpai kat station bus n had been waiting for him about half an hour kot kat situ..smpai leh abes 1 chapter novel 'the pilot's wife' kot..please lah fhm, dh la penat kot travel dlm bas 3 jm n kene tggu plk..n i must state here this is all my faults! klu text awl2 b4 smpai balai islam kan bgus..ni dh smpai kb bru nk bgtau..he takes about 30 minute gak lah to heading to kb city from his house..ari jumaat jln mmg bz!padan muka kene tggu..len kali buat lagi ye..sekian, terima kasih :)
tgk,sempat amik gmbar lg oke

station bus kb

den,after he's arrive, he ask me to walk a bit from the place that i've been waiting for sb kete xleh msk tmpat i tggu coz jln sehala (ade je kan) so, dgn tabah hati, i pon jln lah smpai depan BATA (he's waiting there) n dh smpai sana tgk2 xde jgk..mne dia nih, dh penat kot dear..jgn men sorok2 plk boleh??last last i called n ask him where is the world you are dear?? n he said, just looking straight foward, i'm here just in front of you..i pon tgk lah..xde pon..mne??n slowly, i've been seen someone from the front street had turn his window down n owh my godness, HE GOT HIS PERSONA??WHEEN? sumpah, i terkejut gile! xleh kot control muka excited..cpt cpt i lintas jln n msk dlm kete...waaaa~~best best..bau kedai..hehe..(seriously speaking, im so glad to see him with this new car..dh lma kot dia nk kete ni..finally, dpt lah dia this second girlfriend ni kot..haha!n after all, all this suprise was nice dear..boleh x suh kwn2 dia ttp mulut smpai xde sape2 pon kat fb yg post bgtau he got his new car :) oke, enuff,fullstop)
new ride :)
den we're heading to pantai irama bachok kelantan..owh, pantai dia cantik! den jalan2 kat tepi pnatai, taking pictures, talk talk, eating ais cream n den joking around, mmg seronok! hehe..den, hantar i blk anna lodge tuk rest kejap..n nak tau, all this people (radiographer's juniors+zie+shida etc) mmg sgt sgt baik oke..give a place to stay in n being so much nice with me..ohoho,terharu :) nway, thnks for all guys! budi baik dikenang sampai bila bila! den mlm nye kua mkn kat ani sup utara area kb(siyus still xcam jln kat sna..maaf ye) n round2 bandar kb..pastu blk tido n preparing for tomorrow :)
kat pantai irama..eskem satu ye! ;p

the beach..peace (^_^)V

ha!dh pagi, so i pon bgn awl n siap siap..tp sempat lg tgk movie pasal batu magic rainbow2 tu..xtau ape cite dia tp siyus kelakar..den pas abes tgk cite bru i g mandi2 n kemas2 barang sb nk blk trus tgnu t..xsinggah anna lodge blk lah..n all this people n pg rantau panjang (but b4 i know the planned was at rantau panjang i've been cheated by them that there was a place called rantau pendek, n dgn lurus mcm bendol nye ak g percaya eh? boleh x..tlg lh, i know nothing kot psl peta kelantan, so mmg sng nk tipu i..last2 diorg reveal n sume gelakkan i kuat2..bdk2 tu semua mmg nakal..huhu) den, kami pon nak ikot lah diorg sume g rantau panjang, tp sebelum tu g service kete dulu..dh masuk thousand km kot, jd kene service..so, tggu jap kete kene service n we're heading to rantau pnjg..owh,jauh gk oke nk sampai kan ke sana..i sempat tido kot dlm kete..bila dh smpai rsa mcm xnk turun kete plk sb panas gile kat luar..terik sgt sgt!nk xnk, kene trun gk k..dh dtg jauh2 u jgn nk mengada ngda xnk turun plk..kan kan??hehe.. pastu, we're just go around all the shop there for awhile n sempat beli satu bear katak besar(katak comel oke), den beli comforter (mer ckp sng dia nk dtg tgnu, nk stay kat rumah awie) n beli satu kasut crocs..tu je..sb dh panas sgt, kitorg pon xnk lama2 kat sna n deciding tuk blk trus..n im a bit sad sb xdpt jumpa bdk2 ni pon kat rantau panjang n belanja diorg mam kfc..owh, aja dh jnji kot..huhuhu..xpe, t aja dtg lg n belanja korg oke :) pastu, mer hantar blk tgnu (owh,terharu gile! thnks a lot dear!)
ni katak comel tu ye :)
his new comforter :)
conclusion= mmg seronok dan this second visit mmg much much more better than the first one..at least lepas ni mmg xtrauma lg nk pg kelantan..ha, lupa nk bgtau, smpat lalu kat bandar ketereh jap ye..hehe ;p
end until here first
waiting for my another entry
till end
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