♥♥welcome welcome♥♥

thanks for your visit dear :)
please do enjoy yourself here..


anyway, don't forget

buka entry dulu dan sila lah komen :)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Good Luck

haiisyyhh..sedih nye lah hai xde kelas plant breeding td..tgh semangat nk blaja tba2 cikgu xdtg plk..hmmm...penat tau tunggu lec kat dlm kelas td..rupa2 nye dia ade urgent meeting..yg mls nye pasni mesti ade kelas gnti..tu yg mls nk attend..adoii..pastu ptg time lab pon dia xde...ala cikgu, klu sya tau saya blk awl2 lg..ngntuk betol sepanjang ari ni tau..ngee...(sbnr nye nk blk tido!)

owh! esok ade test animal cell do wish me luck okes..and tuk semua kawan2 sekelas, selamat maju jaya!!esok klu aja kenyit2 mata tu phm2 lah ye..kite share2..hehe (xde lah, gurau jer)

haa!n yes, mggu ni saya turun kl..mula2 g pusat penyelidikan air tawar gelami lemi jelebu (saya pernah tinggal kat situ dlu!!) den g upm plk..sume ni under aquaculture, wait for my updates nnti ye..will be come out with all of the photos! yay!!

anyway, thats it..
(credits to all my classmate)
till ends

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

kenduri kawin

aisyhh..malas betol rsa nye nk belek nota..isnin ni ade test animal cell culture..arini aja bgn awl pg..yay! bgun bgun trus g bca nota (rsa mcm budak bek pulak..hihi) nak tules ape ye..xde idea tp rsa mcm nak tus sumting..owh, arini kene pergi kenduri kawin..lama rsa nye xpg kenduri kendara ni..excited tp takot gk..huhu..tapi mmg seronok! dah lama x g kenduri kendara nih.. n xpenah lg pg kenduri kat area tgnu ni..kebetulan ade kawan jemput g kenduri abg dia so leh lah merasa makan nasi minyak..hehe..anyway, kenduri dia kecil2an je..menyambut menantu..sebelum nih da buat besar2an kat rumah pengantin pompuan.. kampung dia kat area gong badak tgnu je..owh, lupa nk state, g ngn cik abe ye...hehe ;P tp sayang xde amik gmbar pon.. :( walaupon agak panas sb asik kene usik ngn kwn2 tp everything just went so well..perut pon kenyang, souvernir pon dapat.. :)

oke lah..just a short updates for today..
till end

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

lovely KB :)

owh! ni kali kedua i tules entry ni kot.. first time tules dh hilang tiba tiba.. sumpah sedih n rsa mcm bad mood gile kot.. dh karang hmpir 2 hari tiba2 nk taip benda yg sma lagi tp sb nk share gak, aja gagah kan diri tuk tules sekali lg.. chaiyook!! ha, entry pasal ape??cerita hujung minggu di kota bharu kelantan :)

oke, lets strt with my first visit here, during gaps on final exam last semester, I've been away for a few hour to kelantan just because to see mer n be back like a trauma ones kot..owh, for god sake, mmg sumpah i serik time tu..biar pon lepas jumpa mer (wek)..what happened act? mmg ptt nak rsa pelik/serik pon sb bila smpai2 kb mall je (sorg2 ye) tgk tgk hampir semua kedai ttp..termasuk lah kfc, mcd, secret n all..can u imagine guys mne i nk lepak?? siyus rsa mcm stranger gile.. owh kenapa sorg?? because he's performing solat jumaat time tu.. jd kene tggu kejap ye.. jd i pon merayau2 kat dlm tu sorg2 mcm tourist la konon2.. mmg takot oke..(n aja mmg berani terlebih sikit bab2 mcm ni.. wat rilek dlm ati rsa nk nangis kot..wawawa) so, at 3 xsilap I've been meeting him n we're just go around a bit at kb mall (xkn nk jln lbh2 kot, i dh pusing2 sorg2 kat dlm tu td..nothing much pon..but at least they(kelantanese) got something better to shop rather than tgnu..ade kedai bonia, reject shop n giordano n all) n finally, we're end up our journey at pantai cahaya bulan..owh, sian tempat ni..hakisan yg melampau oke..mmg sedih tgk..dtg nk jln2 kat pantai lah konon tp tgk2 xde dh pantai tu.. kene tmbak dh..kami minum air kelapa segelas sorg n chow.. time tu dh nk strt serabut dh..tlg lah, penat travel pg2 dr tgnu n 3 jam dok dlm bas pastu jln2 sorg2 kat kb mall mcm hape..mmg pening dh.. last last kitorg pusing bandar kb je..that's much better than going out n menerewang xtau nk buat ape..den g mkn pizza n at 8 nk blk..leh x dh smpai station bas tu n msa nk turun kete kasut i patah??boleh x?? dlm ati mmg sedih gile n mmg sgt kelam kabut time tu.. jd kitorg g kedai kasut terdekat (BATA) n buy anything can be wear at least smpai tgnu..den msk kete ngn selipar baru rm 20(hehe) n tergerak ati nk tgk eh??xde??aja time tu mmg nk nangis dh..suh mer jgn gerak lagi dr kedai bata tu n turun cari kat area tu n jumpa kat tepi kete..boleh x dia nk tercixir time2 mcm tu??adoii..mmg semua nye silap i..gelabah mcm, mcm ne i xkata i serik nk dtg lg..mmg my first impression about kelantan was bad..but i know this is all my faults n after all i've been visit again last week to make sure ape yg i rsa salah..mula2 mmg takot gk nk pg sekali lg, tp just being chill, ttp mata n pegi.. jd mlm khamis kirim kat asrol tiket plg awl ke kb esok nye n i've been away for 2 days :)

so how was the weekend?? meh, nk, pg jumaat tu i pon bgn siap2 nk pg lah 6 dh bgn ye(sumpah awl gile! nk g kelas pon xawal mcm ni kot rsa nye..hee) packing all my stuff, baju baju, toiletries, all the make up(foundation, bedak, eye liner n all) n my lappy too, etc..after siap2 packing, g mandi mandi n terus headed to station bus..msa smpai tgk bas dh ade n naik (owh,anas ade sekali) dan tido smpai lah ke kb..mmg xsedar dh smpai kb..tau tau dh ade kat depan balai islam n trus text mer..den xlama pastu i dh smpai kat station bus n had been waiting for him about half an hour kot kat situ..smpai leh abes 1 chapter novel 'the pilot's wife' kot..please lah fhm, dh la penat kot travel dlm bas 3 jm n kene tggu plk..n i must state here this is all my faults! klu text awl2 b4 smpai balai islam kan dh smpai kb bru nk bgtau..he takes about 30 minute gak lah to heading to kb city from his house..ari jumaat jln mmg bz!padan muka kene tggu..len kali buat lagi ye..sekian, terima kasih :)

tgk,sempat amik gmbar lg oke
station bus kb
den,after he's arrive, he ask me to walk a bit from the place that i've been waiting for sb kete xleh msk tmpat i tggu coz jln sehala (ade je kan) so, dgn tabah hati, i pon jln lah smpai depan BATA (he's waiting there) n dh smpai sana tgk2 xde jgk..mne dia nih, dh penat kot dear..jgn men sorok2 plk boleh??last last i called n ask him where is the world you are dear?? n he said, just looking straight foward, i'm here just in front of you..i pon tgk lah..xde pon..mne??n slowly, i've been seen someone from the front street had turn his window down n owh my godness, HE GOT HIS PERSONA??WHEEN? sumpah, i terkejut gile! xleh kot control muka excited..cpt cpt i lintas jln n msk dlm kete...waaaa~~best best..bau kedai..hehe..(seriously speaking, im so glad to see him with this new car..dh lma kot dia nk kete ni..finally, dpt lah dia this second girlfriend ni kot..haha!n after all, all this suprise was nice dear..boleh x suh kwn2 dia ttp mulut smpai xde sape2 pon kat fb yg post bgtau he got his new car :) oke, enuff,fullstop)

new ride :)

den we're heading to pantai irama bachok kelantan..owh, pantai dia cantik! den jalan2 kat tepi pnatai, taking pictures, talk talk, eating ais cream n den joking around, mmg seronok! hehe..den, hantar i blk anna lodge tuk rest kejap..n nak tau, all this people (radiographer's juniors+zie+shida etc) mmg sgt sgt baik oke..give a place to stay in n being so much nice with me..ohoho,terharu :) nway, thnks for all guys! budi baik dikenang sampai bila bila! den mlm nye kua mkn kat ani sup utara area kb(siyus still xcam jln kat sna..maaf ye) n round2 bandar kb..pastu blk tido n preparing for tomorrow :)

kat pantai irama..eskem satu ye! ;p
the beach..peace (^_^)V
ha!dh pagi, so i pon bgn awl n siap sempat lg tgk movie pasal batu magic rainbow2 tu..xtau ape cite dia tp siyus kelakar..den pas abes tgk cite bru i g mandi2 n kemas2 barang sb nk blk trus tgnu t..xsinggah anna lodge blk lah..n all this people n pg rantau panjang (but b4 i know the planned was at rantau panjang i've been cheated by them that there was a place called rantau pendek, n dgn lurus mcm bendol nye ak g percaya eh? boleh x..tlg lh, i know nothing kot psl peta kelantan, so mmg sng nk tipu i..last2 diorg reveal n sume gelakkan i kuat2..bdk2 tu semua mmg nakal..huhu) den, kami pon nak ikot lah diorg sume g rantau panjang, tp sebelum tu g service kete dulu..dh masuk thousand km kot, jd kene, tggu jap kete kene service n we're heading to rantau pnjg..owh,jauh gk oke nk sampai kan ke sana..i sempat tido kot dlm kete..bila dh smpai rsa mcm xnk turun kete plk sb panas gile kat luar..terik sgt sgt!nk xnk, kene trun gk k..dh dtg jauh2 u jgn nk mengada ngda xnk turun plk..kan kan??hehe.. pastu, we're just go around all the shop there for awhile n sempat beli satu bear katak besar(katak comel oke), den beli comforter (mer ckp sng dia nk dtg tgnu, nk stay kat rumah awie) n beli satu kasut crocs..tu dh panas sgt, kitorg pon xnk lama2 kat sna n deciding tuk blk trus..n im a bit sad sb xdpt jumpa bdk2 ni pon kat rantau panjang n belanja diorg mam kfc..owh, aja dh jnji kot..huhuhu..xpe, t aja dtg lg n belanja korg oke :) pastu, mer hantar blk tgnu (owh,terharu gile! thnks a lot dear!)

ni katak comel tu ye :)
his new comforter :)
rantau panjang

conclusion= mmg seronok dan this second visit mmg much much more better than the first least lepas ni mmg xtrauma lg nk pg kelantan..ha, lupa nk bgtau, smpat lalu kat bandar ketereh jap ye..hehe ;p

end until here first
waiting for my another entry
till end

Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

20012010 :(

perasan tak ari ni 20hb 01 2010? cantik kan no ni?? tp bukan nak cite sgt pon psl combination no ni tp ape yg dh berlaku arini..huh,buzy!!!meh tgk scedule ye :)

6.00 pg
yaaawn~eh??dh azan??bgn subuh dulu la :) pastu tidor blk oke..hehe ;p

time ni bru terjaga tido blk.. tu pon lepas dpt msg dari nazri bgtau yg arini kene culture pisang..adoii! dah lmbat!!!kelas kul 8.30! cpt cpt mandi, pakai baju (tu pon tangkap muat je, mane tak nye pki tshirt hijau tua ngn slack biru..tak ke pelik??tp ape ak kesah..dh lmbt!! make up (ala kadar je, foundation, lip balm ngn celak sikit) pastu rembat selipar n trus turun g lab...boleh tak dah sampai separuh jalan bru teringat surat appointment doctor tertinggal(perhatian ye, arini ade appointment dgn ape??owh, saya budak baik yg accident baru baru ini dan my left elbow dislocate ye puan puan..setelah sebulan hidop dgn tgn bersimen, buka2 tgk tgn xleh nk straight..jadi kene buat rawatan susulan di physiotheraphy..sekian terima kasih) smbil merungut2 mcm nenek tua aja pth balik hostel n amik surat appointment n g kelas blk..sumpah rasa mcm nenek sb selalu terlupa!

baru sampai kelas oke..dan penat!dgn kelam kabut cari lab coat n terus msk lab..wah..ramai org!sume nk guna lamina air flow..msg2 pon nk culture pisang gk..mmm,mcm ne??sbnr nye appointment aja kul 9 tp mengada ngada nak dtg lmbat..konon konon b4 kul 12 still leh pg lg sb dh ade experience dulu janji kul 10 tp dpt jmpa doc kul 12..tension oke..sila lah phm saya pon ade kerja lain ye ;) jadi dgn selambar aja pon ingat nak abeskan culture pisang tu dulu ngn nazri(group partner yg sgt memahami) bru g appointment tersebut..den teringat repot lab post harvest xsiap lagi!! (pulakkk~) kene label fruit part..g pinjam lab repot kak anom dan siap kan repot smbil2 tggu turn nak guna lamina air flow..apa benda lamina air flow ni??asik dok sebut2 je kan? udara bergerak lamina kah??hehe..bukan ye kwn kwn..meh, tunjuk sikit rupa dia..

ini laminar air flow dlm lab ktorg (ni time animal cell culture tp sama je laminar ni ngn plant tissue culture punye) sume benda2 yg nk culture mmg kene buat dlm ni for sterility purpose (xnk sekor kuman pon ade dlm ni oke..klu x,CONTAMINATION occur) mmg ade cara mcmne benda ni berfungsi smpai dia boleh jadi tempat plg sterile dlm lab ni dan ade protokol mcmne nk handle benda2 b4 ddk bekerja dlm ni (spray every tools/equipment also your hand with 70% ethanol dan mcm mcm lagi) jadi, benda ni limited dan ade bape bijik je dlm lab (mahal oke!) so, kene gilir2 guna :)
oke,stop psl laminar air flow..pas buat repot post harvest den tgk kak anum tgh susun2 kertas resume tok practical t..alahamak!! ak punya xsiap lagi!!! (ini lah padah nye xsiap kan sume homework mlm semalam..dok koya n men fb je..hmmm) dengan kelam kabut nye pas siap2 label terus g libarary n edit kak anum punya resume n tekan print..den msa nk g collect printed resume tu tgk tgk kat bilik percetakan tu dia tulis 'haraf maaf, printer rosak'.. aja pon 'ehh?mcmne ni??nk print kat ne??' dgn masam muka (pliz la phm, mmg ptt rsa nk fed up kot, dh la xmkn pagi, lapar sgt den ke hulu hilir dlm cmpus tu n sila lah ingat saya ade appointment doc ye kat hospital..mmg semua nya silap saya..akibat jadi org mlss!wawa!!) den pth blk g lab n tnya kak anum, nak print katne..den dia kata suh amer print kan sb dia blk rumah.. ha, pasal resume tu, gmbar ade sekeping je ye.. tp nk ade 3 sb nk hntr kat 3 company (inno biologics, TPM dan MARDI jalan kebun) so, ingat nk amik gmbar sb aja mmg bwa camera g mne2..msa on camera tgk tgk dia tules (please replace the batery because this camera is using high capasity of batery..thank you) ak dlm hati mmg nk meletop dh..apasal sume benda xjadi ari ni?? mcm bijak kan bwk camera xde batery ke hulu hilir?? mangk*k sungguh! tp try try lepas la sekeping gmbar (mmg xcntik gmbr tu!) den edit resume tu blk( pki lptp hilman) n send tru emel kat amer.. pastu tnya kak anom, nk berkaler ke gmbar tu?? klu print ngn amer ade hitan putih je..den ckp nk kaler..jadi last last xleh print arini (msg amer blk bgtau xpyh print) n hntr esok je..huhu :((

den, trus g sepital (nasib bek dekat,jln kaki je) n trus g physiotherapy department..den jumpa org kaunter tu.. tnya dia if still leh jmpa dr lg x..dia ckp xboleh sb dh lwt sgt..huhu..sedih mmg silap pon, jnji kul9 tp dtg almost 12..mmg lah salah..den tnya dia, if ptg ni leh x dtg? dia ckp boleh, kul time tu ade lab..nk xnk kene tinggal kan lab n g appointment

lunch ngn budak budak ni :) den pastu solat

g jumpa doktor..xtunggu lma pon..jumpa dr tu den dia pon tnya la mcm mcm (mcmne accident, sakit x lg) pastu dia ukur bape banyak tgn aja boleh bend n straight.. 125 darjah bend n 55 darjah straight.. tuk normal 145 darjah bend n 0 darjah straight..jadi mmg ade mslh n kene buat first2 dia buat hot plate treatment which is dia letak mcm benda pns la kat elbow tuk blood circulation..lama gk la benda pns tu ltk kat tgn, dlm 30 minite lebih..pastu dia bg mcm plasticine tp plastic plasticine dia suh grip benda tu tuk biasakan tgn kita..den dia ade la ajar beberapa benda yg aja leh buat kat rumah tuk train tgn ni sendiri..owh, terima kasih ye doktor..puan baik sgt :) tp yang xbest nye tempat tu penuh dgn org2 saket..aja je sorg yg nmpak agk sihat kat situ..siap bwk novel n bca sementara tgh wat treatment (boleh x?? ;p) den pas tu amik appointment date bru (3hb 2 2010) n blk cmpus..

msk lab n tnya bdk2 apa yg dh berlaku ptg tu kat lab..experiment senang je rsa nye.. InsyaAllah, group aja leh handle :) pastu dgr briefing sikit dari dr senawi n blk rumah

smpai bilik n update blog :) hehe

haa, nk di jadikan kesimpulan, mmg lah pnt arini dan serik jadi org mls! harap2 boleh berubah ye siti hajar..hehe..oke lah, nk buat repot aquaculture..strt to be a diligent people :D

till end guys

Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

muzeum time!!

jumaat lepas ( kat pantai timur cuti jumaat sbtu k) kami, geng2 pompuan g jln2 kat muzeum terengganu nih.. ala, dok blaja kat sini dh bertahun tahun jadi smbil2 tu melancong lah sikit2.. aja dah g 3 kali dh cmpur yg ni.. mmg seronok cuma xcukup msa je..galeri alam kejadian xsempat msk pon.. kat situ ade ikan naga, dugong n dolphin yg dh kene awet..dh la murah gile! rm 2 je oke.. ha, lupa nk bgtau, ni muzeum plg besar di asia tenggara ye kwn2.. lawaa sgt seni bina dia..meh nk bg tgk sikit..

haaa~tgk! lawa kan??

mmg best place tu amik weeding picture!
suraya_shukry_muzium3.jpg (450×675)
unique kan??ukiran kayu dia cantik..mmg terpegun lah mula2 msk sini ;)
muzium2.jpg image by wexxxganu

haa, ni gmbar2 org yg aja ciplak kat tenet je.. kitorg xamik byk gmbar skjp sgt kat sini..lgpon bateri kamera time tu abes.. xsempat nk charge mlm ade sikit yg sempat di ambil tuk jdkan kenangan :)

life so much sweet with a friends right??
till end
bye ;)

Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!

the (√4) cafe

salam semua..dah lama rsa nye tak update blog ni..biasa lah rutin pelajar..pagi pegi kelas sampai petang..kalau ade gap sejam dua tu untung lah.. leh rehat2 kejap..kalau aja, mula2 msk kelas mmg semangat (tapi pegi kelas lambat mmg dah tabiat!! ssh nk ubah! wawawa) kuar kan pencil, buku n ape yang cikgu ckp sume tules.. tp bile dah msk sejam pertama dh strt rsa mcm xsdp ddk plk.. pusing sana, pusing sini, pandang blakang, silang kaki n mcm2 lah..nak cakap dh xleh nak conc la ni.. klu2 mmg kelas yg lec dia straight je..a klu bg lecture pon satu nada.. adoi.. ngntok!subject sng boleh jd ssh tau.. klu sape yg ddk sblah aja mmg nasib lah.. t aja mnta kwn tu tlg picit2 tgn, cubet2 sikit bg ilang ngntok.. (pompuan je lah oke) jadi terima kasih lah kepada deq ah, ra yg slalu tlg aja picit2 tgn ye.. len kali leh tlg picit lagi..hehehe.. tgh ari ape lagi, g lunch!! mkn kenyang2 den g solat zohor.. pastu g kelas plk ptg tu.. biasanya lab la.. den kul 5 blk n time tu bru leh rehat rehat.. mlm plk kua g dinner.. selalu nye kitorg makan kat kedai sblh kedai perabot depan asrama ni ha, atau pon klu aja dh lapar sgt ptg tu aja g kedai kak long sblah caltex..

nak jadi kan cite (ceh ceh) ade satu mlm aja n ade beberapa kwn nk try la mkn kat kedai yg bru je buka kat area2 ni.. mmg dh lama teringin nk msk sb msa diorg renovate kedai tu ( sblm ni new strait times punya office) nmpak lah kedai tu mcm high class gitu.. susun atur dia lawa! lampu dia pon cantik.. kusi dia, meja dia..sume sume lah sng!jd pada satu mlm yg indah tu, kitorg pon g la restaurant lampu besar yang cntik nih..(klue dia ye kwn2-kepada studs udm kampus kota) ceh, dah sampai dpn kedai tu kitorg pon msk lah... den cri lah seat.. smbil2 melilau lilau mata msg2 tgk sekitar kedai tu.. mmm, mmg cantik.. tp, npe rmi cine?? xpe..rilek dulu..kite ddk dulu.. dh ddk tu ade la waiter ni dtg bwk menu..owwhhh, dorg ni offer mskn pns yg biasa2 je.. mcm nasi goreng paprik, nasi goreng cendawan, mee goreng~ alah, yg mcm semua kedai ade offer lah sng cite..ingat kan offer western food ke ape.. ye lah, tmpat lawa gile! mm, msti nk buat ala2 kopitiam lebih kurg la kan...den tnya lah kwn yg amik menu tu..'western xde ke?'ceh, budjet duit byk la time tu.. padahal bwk 10 ringgit je msg2..den waiter tu pon ckp 'hah??'aja pon smbung 'xde western ke kat sini??chicken chop ke??'waitertu ckp 'sorry, i cn't speak malay' aja pon 'ehh??owh...ok' smbil belek2 menu n pandang kwn2.. mm,len mcm je kedai ni..muka dia sebijik mcm org melayu..ikot celoh mne pulop dia xleh ckp malay.. den ktorg order lah.. aja nasi paprik, Killa (bukan nma sebenar) nasi pataya, ateh (bkn nm sbnr gak) nasi gireng cendawan n shuhaibah ( bkn nm sbnr) order nasi paprik. pas waiter tu pg ini adegan seterusnye ye(lbh krg mcmni lh..xingat sgt..)..bca bca

killa = eh, kedia ni ade tnda halal x??
ateh = mmm, xnmpak pon..
aja = ey, waiter tu org ape?? siam ke? muka mcm melayu gile kot..
bah = aja, cer mu g try tnye..

den aja pggil lah waiter tu td

aja = may i ask u something?? who is the owner??
waiter = hah?u want to see the owner?
aja = nope! i just wanna know, if this restaurant is belong to chinese or malay?
waiter = hah? (terpinga pinga mcm xphm bahasa ak! mencii!!)

den killa pon tnya

killa = where do u come from?
waiter = myammar
killa = okee~the food is serve here halal or not?? coz we're can't see any halal sign board here..(muka time ni cuak gile dh)
waiter = yes yes (time ni debo doh..biar btl mamat siam ni)
killa = isn't the chef Muslim??
waiter = no no
killa = if really we want to cancelled all the order coz we're muslim n can't eat any non-halal food.
waiter = wait wait

time ni order pon sampai...mcm phm phm je kan..

kitorg mmg gelabah giler dh time tu.. kedai ape ni?? aritu tgk mcm ade org melayu mkn..dah la aja dh minum air dia sikit kot

waiter 2 = yes?
aja = i just wanna confirmation if this restaurant is serving halal food or not??
waiter 2 = ha, halal.. tukang msk dia siam tp muslim
aja = eh?boleh ckp melayu plk??
waiter 2 = td tu org myammar..rmi worker foreigner..
aja = oke.. sorry ye, saje je tnya sb xnmpk halal board pon kat sini..
waiter 2 = xpe xpe

phhhuuuh! nasib bek.. tp sb dh mula ragu2 kat mknn tu buat kitorg rsa xselesa sgt sgt dlm kedia tu.. mkn pon mcm paksa2 je msk dlm mulut.. ade kwn tu sekadar jamah je.. x lm pastu minta bill, byr n keluar cpt cpt.. ha, tp sebelum tu sempat amik gmbr kjp.. waiter mymmr tu amik kan n ckp ' very beautiful!' tp dlm ati aja rsa xsbr gile nk kua..kua je dr kedai tu kitorg seriik gile! mmg tobat lah, xnk mkn lg kat situ! bukan xhalal tp ragu2.. den kiorg singgah mkn roti canai kat kedia xjauh dr situ ( kak long ye) den msg2 balun roti canai sb mkn sikit je kat kedai tu n kitorg sgt lpr oke?!mmg gelak sakan lah..last last end up kat kedai kak long mkn roti canai!

kesimpulan cite nih, len kali tgk btul2 dulu b4 msk kedai mkn.. dr luar kite mmg xtau dia kedai cine ke ape.. mmg kitorg x ter pikir nk tgk dlu b4 msk.. men redah je.. aja mengaku lah, ni mmg silap kitorg.. jadi amik pengajaran k.. pasni hati2 nk pilik kedai mkn..jgn men mkn je sb ape yg kite mkn adalah drg dgng kita.. blk tu, kitorg bgtau kwn2 ape yg berlaku n suh diorg jgn g kedai tu.. lgpon foreigner yg jd waiter tu xleh nk berinteraksi dgn elok pon.. ckp melayu dh sah sah xphm, ckp english phm phm ayam je..hmmm...blk tu mmg gelakkan diri sendiri lah..serik!!

p/s = dialog kat atas tu mmg diubah suai mengikot kesesuaian cerite k.. xingat sape yg tnya lebih kurg lh situasi tu..ha!lupa nk ckp, service charge dia mhl gile!! 5 % oke! n kepada kwn2 yg xde blog tp bca entry ni boleh komen komen aja let the anonymous to leave any comment.. thnks! ;)

5% service charge ye..
owh! dia ade lampu besar yang cantik!! hmmm~ (sila cam di mana ye)
gmbar yg org myemmar tu amik kan :)

so end up entry kali ni n amik pengajaran ye kwn kwn~

Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!

Friday, January 15, 2010

world of insect

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond

Wonderful macro photos of insects.

penuh debunga kat kaki dia!Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

si mata merah!!
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

pepatung kaler hijau! comel nye~
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

bee ni tgh minum nectar! nyum nyuum!
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

cak! nampak x saya ade kat mane??
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

the beesss :)
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

owhh..ini nyamuk!nggengg ngeenng~
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

si beluncas!
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

seaching for food! :0
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

im going to eat ppl!
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

so much sparkling!!bling blingg!
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

nyum nyum~
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

detail sgt sgt!
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

owh! dia sedang minum! ade straw ye (Proboscis)
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

ape kah ini?? spider??kan?
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

mata dia!!
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

a butterfly~
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

wah! makan kupu2 ye!
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

si comel ini nama dia ladybird :)
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

lacewing xsilap kot dia nih
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

si kumbang hijau! Family= coleoptera
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

byk debunga kat badan dia!
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

alamak! wrong street! tolong tolong!
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

auw!! tgk duri dia!
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

aikk?? pe benda nih?
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

u jump i jump! weee~
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

kite share2 ye..xmo la kedekut2 oke :)
Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Photoes of Insects by Roeselien Raimond (62 pics)

Subhanallah..cantikkan insect2 ni..kite ni kalau nmpak diorg rsa nk lari je..xmo dekat..except rama2 la..betapa indahnya ciptaan Allah~

Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!