salam kawan kawan..sekarang tgh lunch time..just a short updates for today...act i just went back from kl guys..from study field trip on aquaculture subject...we went to pusat penyelidikan perikanan air tawar at gelami lemi n9, UPM and a snakehead(haruan) farm at rawang..what was the story???i'll tell u later ok..xsempat..banyak sgt nk cite..haa!!!n ade movie review gak nti!!ADNAN SEMPIT!!owh best giler!!just wait for my updates oke..p/s : im so sorry for my unfinished blog...byk button xleh function lg n xupdates their much work guys..i'll try to make it on this week ok ;) tnks for your all!!
one more thing!
thats it
have a nice day ppl!
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