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thanks for your visit dear :)
please do enjoy yourself here..


anyway, don't forget

buka entry dulu dan sila lah komen :)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

ape kejadah K-Pop Malaysia??

tgk lah!
ape nk jadi??

sekarang org melayu kita nk buat kumpulan ala ala korea lah plk
kalau org cina kita yg buat xde lah haku ni nak pelik sgt

tu dh mmg identiti org korea dh kita nk sibuk2 follow pasal pe?
cukup lah sekadar nk suka lagu2 diorg..

ni satu
yang ni dua

yg pompuan tu boleh lah tahan
yg laki laki ni..
hadoi ai!
xlalu mak, nak!

org korea putih melepak n comel
kalau dia buat muka cute mmg jadi muka cute
tp kalau yg ni,bt muka cute bukan jadi cute, jadi !@#$%^&!

tak tau lah eden nk cakap hape lagi
kite tgk je lah mereka mereka ni mcm ne dlm market
org kita terima ke x agak nye ye~

hmmm...xde modal lain agaknye diorg nk market kan artis kita agk nye ni..

Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!

Friday, April 29, 2011

final exam terakhir

morning semua!

sekarang ni tgh musim demam final exam..
n as for me pon sama lah..
dah lepas 3 paper..
n ade 2 paper lagi have to go..

n setiap kali exam msti rsa exhausted gile..
tgn rsa mcm cramp pastu penat badan lah, demam xtentu pasal n so forth..
ni lah yg aja rsa skg ni..
sakit tgn menulis..dh tu bila nk tulis pon rsa xnk dh sb bila tulis je dia rsa mcm sengal2 kt urat sarap tgn tu.. (mengada je bunyi nye kan)

nway, esok paper plg ssh dalam semester ni..
advance plant biotech!
nak menghafal semua dr chapter1 sampai chapter akhir mmg mencabar!
harap2 semua dapat jawab n lepas paper ni dgn jaya nya..yeah!!!

dah dah..nk study blk lah!
good luck everyone!

oh!! arini prince william kawen!!
nk g tgk kt astro kul 5 nnti :D

Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

acerap muslim bertunang dah?! huhu

dah lepas first paper..
ada 4 lg paper kene balun..huih!

nway, mlm ni nk stdy lmbt sikit smbil2 update blog bersawang ni ha..
recently, asraf muslim dh bertunang..

ta tau kenapa, rsanya semua pompuan kat malaya ni mesti terduduk meroyan bila dpt tau acap bertunang..tak sangka..xde plk dgr gosip2 dia ngn budak ni tau2 je dh bertunang...alahai~~ betuah lah badan oi...semua pompuan terlepas sudah peluang!! tsk tsk~

tapi xpe lah, sb tgk dia mcm happy sgt bertunang dgn dayana tu
jadi marilah doakan mereka sempat ke jinjang pelamin..

nak tau lbh lnjut, sila tekan sni

p/s: dlm ati dok tertanya tnya, mcm ne lah si acap tu mengorat ngn dayana tu..hik hik..

Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

entry kebosanan~

assalamualaikum semua :D

mmm, busan betol kalau weekends tp xde bende nk buat..
rasa mcm useless..

nk bc buku tuk final malas lagi..hik hik..
nway, arini ayah aja dtg tgnu..
nk amik brg brg lah konon nye..
al maklum lah, nk abes degree ni.
kene lah angkut semua khazanah yg aku kumpul selama 4 thn ni..

kejap je 4 thn kan..
aja pon xsedar..
hmm, nk buat ape ye lpas degree ni?

makan tido je ke kt rumah??
ke sambung blja?
ke cri kerje?
or kahwin je lah~


Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

header bru~

yay!! tgk! ade header bru!! perasan x??

so, nway, bt header ni ikut tutorial sis intan nur fateha
mmg senang nk faham!
thnks ye sis :)

mm, nway, ni je yg mampu time nk try bt lg cntik lg~

Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!

Monday, April 11, 2011

first doodle!


sirius mcm budak darjah satu kan??
hik hik~

Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

random thought

this is soooo right!

gosh, babbling behind but being angelic in front..
this is so me!

Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!

True love

During blog-walking, i had found this

cute isn't?

anyway, i'm making some changes to my blog few days ago
and, this is it!

what do you think??
need more reconstruction??

please do share your opinion :D

Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!

Friday, April 8, 2011

last night was a blast! XD

yeah!! we're camp firing again last night!
it was awesome bcoz the night was sparkling!

weather was good, ocean was nice
and wind was perfect!

makan dinner depan api mmg seronok!
sambil2 borak borak
mr yesterday and asrul anwar were there too!

so, lets picture tell us the story :D

seronok kan??
kalau ade sekelas lg seronok!
this is a unplanned event pon
dinner pon beli sendiri kt cafe n bw ke pantai n makan kt sana
nway, last word for this entry = awesome!!!

Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

batuk oh batuk!

koh koh koh!!
koh koh!

batuk tak henti henti!
mula nya nk biar je lah kan..
xnak makan ubat..
konon nk biar antibody develop sendiri their immune system..
tp bila dah dalam kelas sampai terbatuk2 mcm nk kuar anak tekak
mmg bala lah kan..

xselesa org nk belajar..
dah mcm ne, asik dok dengar hang batok2 je..
sampai g dating pon, boyfie dok tegor tegor..
hmm, alahai..apo nk kata ejang..

nway, dah seminggu aja biar btuk tu..
buat dek je..
kalau nk tido, masyaAllah..
punya lah ssh!
selagi xlena, selagi tu dok batuk batuk..

tetapi, tah kenapa, arini bru terlintas dalam kepala otak hmba ni tuk g klinik kesihatan unisza kampus kota tu..
tak tahan dah nk batuk batuk ni..
sampai perit tekak den..

so, td g amik ubat, n bru strt makan ubt batuk since ptg td..
jd kita tgk selama mane dia akan baik..

last word:
wish me get well soon gorgeous!

Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!

hmm, i need some fresh air
i need mom and family..

i just don't feel alright and need to go back home
study week should be a perfect time for me to get myself back to my own place

friends come and go
but family stays

be organize hajar!

some ppl care!

Thank you for reading this. Don't forget to leave your comment gorgeous!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

dating cara baru?

assalamualaikum semua

so, nak tau cara dating alaf baru??
act, trick ni sgt lah sesuai kalau korg dh xde idea lain selain tgk wayang, cri tmpt mkn best or ukur bape besar local mall yg selalu korg pergi..

this is happening when im currently in penang
and since we both don't have an any idea to do instead of having movie or enjoy good food
so, lets track all the attractive/historical places around the penang!
or your place / anywhere u are sweetheart :)
and yes! im a historical person even i cant even get an A for my history subject during SPM!
tsk tsk

first of all, cri peta kawasan dlu
and we got our maps when we both go to Suffolk house or so called as Francis Light house
and there're various of map can be taken away for your personal guide
so, im acting like 'wooh! this is my first time in penang, so lets rock n roll babeh!'
~gila jakun budak ni~

so, with the maps, mari lah kita menjejaki semua tempat2 yg tertera dlm maps n tick satu satu sampai abes
kalau larat abeskan lah kan
kalau penang, byk tmpt dekat2 je
dekat tak dekat gk lah
so, most of the historical places tu boleh cri dlm masa sehari..
tmbh2 dengan bantuan GPS boyfie..

ade 3 peta sbnr nya, yg besar tu attractive places around penang, second is historical places, n third yg xde tu food guide..ehehe..
boleh teka kan sape yg amik food guide? :P

mula2 pg bukit bendera, tp tutup sb keteapi bru x install lg
mmg lah geram gila sb dh dua kali pergi tak siap2 lagi
mmg mcm tut!

ini kek lok si
temple gila besar
tp sb pg siang so xde ape sgt pon
sgt suggest tuk pergi ramai2 supaya nmpak mcm tourist gile
kalau tak takut ade yg salah faham..
so, kitorg just ronda dgn kete je

ini Suffolk house
rumah Francis Light
yg mula2 discover pulau pinang

hebat kan??
lawa betol~


den kami ronda2 lagi dlm bndr penang yg sgt lah pesat membangun tu
so, snap lah komtar yg tinggi depan mata ni~
oleh kerana sgt lah sesak dlm bndr penang time ni
jammed merata, n boyfie strt rasa serabut so mari lah kita melarikan diri dr kawasan serba kusut ni n cari ketenangan
so, here we go.. ke penang recreational park!
amik ko..

mmg tenang kan~
boyfie pon suka hati sb xpyh pening2 nk redah jammed..

from here kitorg ke pantai keracut, teluk bahang
dalam 10minit perjalanan dr hutan rekriasi tu
lawa sgt~dh mcm dekat pulau kawasan dia..
act, tmpt ni adalah taman negara penang which boleh buat jungle tracking
just before the beach..
next time nk g jngle tracking n naik jmbtn gntung kt situ
tak sabar!

boyfie:boleh ke awak tu nk hiking2? semput lah ape lah nnti..
aja: ehehe..saya akn cuba sedaya upaya~

cntik kan?
mmg kmpung nelayan betul~

next destination was, pantai miami penang!
ini betul2 okeh~
mmg ade pantai miami dekat penang..
ini lah dia!
rehat2 sambil main game ni
"cuba teka sape org dlm kepala sy skg dgn klu2 yg diberi"

but nway, it was fun!
tgk muka boyfie beria ia plk nk menang the game was adorable~

then, we proceed to jalan padang kota lama
n i was like, woohh!! this is the place syg! this is the place!
mmg nk sgt tgk bgunan colonial or so called as city hall n town hall since the first day i was here
n im like, gosh, this is really beautiful!
mmg xrugi mmg puas hati
tp sila pergi malam sb kalau siang sgt jammed
pastu panas pastu xhappening mne pastu panas pastu xde lmpu yg awesome gila keliling bgnn tu..
ini betol2 n bukan cobaan~

old city hall
yg mmg lah lawa gila!
sumpah jakun~

town hall
sebelah2 je diorg ni
pon lawa gk
tp xselawa city hall..

n this is a gurney drive
time ptg mmg ramai gile org
n xda parking
sb semua org excited nk pg makan kat local stall yg berderet2 kt situ
pasembor, laksa, kerang bakar, char kew tiaw n whatever food u can imagine lah
satu lg sb semua org nk tgk air surut dr tepi benteng tu n boleh nmpak segala organisma laut bergelimpangan..

oh! tgk! ade patrick n spongebob!
ok, this is not funny at all~

so, kitorg smpai area pdg kota pon nk malam dh,
sambil menikmati bgnn gila lawa depan mata so kitorg decide to play around with
"helicopter tu akn terbang tinggi klu ko tarik tali kuat2"
tak paham apeke bende nye?
nah tgk ni..
nmpk tombol tu?
tarik tombol tu kuat2 n t piring berlampu tu berpusing laju2 n terbang lah dia ke atas
paham dh kan??
gosh, playing around like kids with boyfie was overwhelming!
n saya suka suka suka!
dah la lmpu2..
girang lah kami dua org..

smbil2 jln2 terdengar lah kami ni bunyi org nynyi2 dgn riang nya
ingat kan radio
rupa nya ade mini konsert dalam fort cornwallis sblh padang kota tu
mmg langkah kanan gila kan?
gembira nk hmpus lah!
tak pasal2 dpt g tgk mini konsert
yg sbnr nye campaign 'rock for right' from myConstitution
mmg rmi band2 underground
yg plg best ada couple n bittersweet!


tak dpt tgk semua sb nk kene blk seberang jaya plk pastu

n we were end up our travel by having ferry ride on the way back~
n aku yg bengong ni kene tipu kaw kaw punya yg ferry tu actually a mall
sumpah rasa budus gila
dh gerak bru tau
'owh! dh dlm ferry ke??'
gila jakun!

so, last word for boyfie

thnks a lot!
even hari panas n we both have some difficulties during the day but in the end it was good to have your company all day dear

thnks for all the effort n i do really feel that u're doing good job
n appreciated all things u had done to me

thnks syg for
all best food we have
all moment we share
all your sincere smile
all your patient towards all my messy whim

this post is dedicated to him

happy birthday kekasih!

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